Poleander Z

Poleander Z is a son of the showjumping progenitor Polydor, who ranks 7th out of 1,252 German licensed stallions {with a showjumping index of 163}, a little below his half-brother Pilot, who ranks second with an index of 183. The lifetime winnings of Pilot amount to DM 3,541,431 (307 offspring}, the lifetime winnings of Polydor amount to DM 3,304,280 (166 products!}. His most famous offspring in the showjumping sport are Everest Two Step (M. Whitaker}, Herrmann`s Bellenuit (O. Becker}, Sonora la Silla (J. Tops}, Polarkönig (P. Weinberg}, Pernod and Padua.

Dam Waldera earned the praiseworthy amount of DM 4,598 in the showjumping sport from 5- up to and including 8-yr-old, DM 2,919 of which as a 7-yr-old. In 1995 in Münster-Handorf Poleander Z passed the performance test with a showjumping score of 126,82, finishing third of 71 participants.

In 1996 he was started in the Belgian Cycle for 4-yr-olds, going clear in seven out of eight competitions.